love letters 



refresh your quiet time, uproot lies, and experience unparalleled peace 

Let’s be real, friend


Do you find yourself feeling down but may not be able to understand where that feeling comes from?

Have you ever said things like, “I wish they would…”, “If they really cared for me they would…”?

Is the weight you're carrying around getting heavier and heavier and you feel like at any moment you might break?

Do you feel discouraged about who you are, where you're at, and often question if you have a purpose?


I've spent most of my life feeling overlooked, forgotten, and left behind. After years and countless hours journaling during my quiet time, God told me to write ‘Love Letters to Jesus’ as a way of helping others heal from the same pain and insecurity I had. Healing isn't linear but it is possible through Jesus. 

Repeat after me

I am not alone.

I am not overlooked.

I am chosen by God.

I do have a purpose.

I have been called for such a time as this.

The enemy wants you to doubt your identity in Christ, so you never become who you've been called to be
— Truth is waiting for you.

I wrote this for you — filling every page with encouragement, real-life examples, and opportunities to see yourself how God does.

You’ll learn how to...

Confidently embrace your identity in Christ


Speak Truth over your situation, season, and life


Seek God at your own pace


See yourself the way God does


Accept that God uses everything in your life, even what doesn't feel good


Heal from the pain and insecurity that has held you captive

Ok, i'm ready so now what? 

The Truth written in this book took me years to grasp. Through heartbreak, trauma, loss, and finally, God's unfailing love and faithfulness, I was able to partner with the Holy Spirit to author something to come alongside you in any season you find yourself in. I'm offering you the opportunity to grow in intimacy with the One who created you. The world needs you and the purpose you've been equipped with. 

Break free from pain and insecurity this season.


(originally $14)

MEET THE authOR—hayden akins

The freedom in knowing who you are and Whose you are is what sets us free. It doesn't necessarily get easier because attacks still come, but we can continue to get better at refuting the enemies lies and holding on to God's truth.

I grew up Christian but it wasn't until I was an adult, having graduated from college, that I rededicated my life to Christ. I remember feeling like something was missing in my life and in my heart. After trying to fill the void with numerous counterfeits, I took the plunge and gave my heart to Him. Life didn't immediately look different but I felt like a new person. Over the years, I created the habit of writing out my prayers and responses I get from God.

In 2022, after 21 days of prayer and fasting, God placed it on my heart to write a devotional about how to overcome pain and insecurity. I'm certain He tasked me with this because I have an intimate awareness of how debilitating believing the enemy's lies can become. God had me flip through dozens of journals and years of answered prayers to author a special 30-day devotional for all who need to be reminded of who they are and Whose they are.


It’s time to embrace your identity.