


identify thought patterns, renew your mind, and extinguish negative self-talk 

Let’s be real, friend


Do you find yourself feeling down but may not be able to understand where that feeling comes from?

Have your thoughts began to take on a life of their own and cause anxiety?

Is the weight you're carrying around getting heavier and heavier and you feel like at any moment you might break?

Do you make decisions from the emotions you have and tend to regret your decision later?


I've spent a majority of my life getting beat up by my thoughts. The very things that caused me so much pain were the same things I grasped tightly — I chose to keep close what was hurting me. Upon further inspection, most of it was recycled thought patterns. I discovered how to break the cycle and I want to show you how to, too.

Repeat after me

I am not alone.

I am not overlooked.

I am chosen by God.

I do have a purpose.

I have been called for such a time as this.

The enemy wants you to believe every thought you have is true so you stay stuck in the same cycles instead of testing it against the Word and breaking free — Truth is waiting for you.

I made this for you — slow down and take the time to dissect your emotions and triggers 

You’ll notice how...


The triggers you have are recurring


Emotions distract you from the root issue


The Bible provides encouragement for every feeling you have


God cares about you deeply


Speaking the Word over your life changes your heart and outlook


There's still hope

Ok, i'm ready so now what? 

Unparalleled peace is possible. No more anxiety, doubt, or fear that dictates your every move. You can begin to move in confidence because you'll know where your hope truly lies. It's not in your circumstances, it's in Jesus. You'll fill your mind with truth and anything that isn't aligned will have to go.


Break free from lies this season.


(originally $21)

MEET THE authOR—hayden akins

The freedom in knowing who you are and Whose you are is what sets us free. It doesn't necessarily get easier because attacks still come, but we can continue to get better at refuting the enemies lies and holding on to God's truth.

I grew up Christian but it wasn't until I was an adult, having graduated from college, that I rededicated my life to Christ. I remember feeling like something was missing in my life and in my heart. After trying to fill the void with numerous counterfeits, I took the plunge and gave my heart to Him. Life didn't immediately look different but I felt like a new person. 

After realizing how journaling helps me process my daily life, I walked through what it typically looks like for me and created this journal. I learned that it's hard to practice what we don't know and by making this tool, my hope is that it'll help you too! You'll start to see the recurring patterns and stop them before they turn into an outright spiral.


It’s time to kick the lies to the side.